Food, Water, Shelter, and Fire. The four key things for survival. Ky shares her expertise in fire making and sustaining in the book ‘Fire’ written by Ky Furneaux and J Scott Donahue. This book help you master the art of making fires with tips and tricks to help whether you are a novice or expert. ‘Fire’ covers it all from finding the perfect kindling and build, containing and controlling your fire and how to safely put it out whether it be in the wilderness or your own home. You will be able to build a fire safely and know how to extinguish it properly, even in the event that something goes wrong. You can find out how to make fires in your home, in the woods, in the snow, or in the desert with a variety of fire-starting methods, and make sure that you always have the right supplies on hand. Explore how to safely and effectively use tools like axes, splitting mauls, hatchets, pocketknives, saws, and more. You can buy ‘Fire’ in the shop section of this website.

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